5 Ways to Earn Extra This Pandemic

1. Sell online

You can still earn extra money even while staying at home. Start by looking for your pre-loved items inside your house that you are not using anymore. You may also venture on doing food business by cooking your own recipes.

2. Virtual tutoring

Homeschooling has been recommended for children and students especially this pandemic. Consider job as tutoring children online. This option is very convenient and it helps on focusing on the students’ learning.

3. Car pool service for your friends

Commuting has been one of the struggles for some people who go to work due to high risk of catching the virus from random people in public transportation. You may offer a special car pool ride for your trusted friends or colleagues with a special fee. This way, you can assure that you only encounter limited people, while earning extra.

4. Pasa-buy services

Delivery service has been one of the most in-demand jobs during this pandemic. Since each individual is limiting their contact with the public, more people have diverted in buying online or having someone else buy their needs. You may try this option if you have any personal vehicle to help you travel to shops.

5. Invest

Instead of spending your money on unimportant things, you may start saving up your money and invest on stocks. However, investing on stocks may require you to learn more about the stock market.

Source of photo icons: Freepik.com


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